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Doctoral Program 6201V Economics
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PŘÍPRAVA 2025/26
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Doctoral Program 6201V Economics

The Institute of Economic Studies (IES) at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague offers a graduate program in Economics leading to a Ph.D. degree. The Program concentrates on economic theory and its applications in economic and financial analyses. A particular focus of the program is the modeling and analyses of economic processes and the behavior of economic agents. A solid theoretical background and thorough knowledge of modern microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics is required, as well as familiarity with other fields and subfields, such as public economics, institutional economics, international economics, financial markets, etc. The goal of the doctoral program is to prepare highly qualified, analytically and independenty  thinking specialists primarily for the academic sphere, public sector, financial and banking sectors as well as international institutions. Management and marketing are not a part of doctoral programme at the IES.

Doctoral studies are regulated by the Act 111/1998 Coll. on University Education as amended and by the Study and Examination Regulations of Charles University and Faculty of Social Sciences and by rules of rector and dean. Rules which hereby follow have been approved by the Council for Doctoral Studies in Economics at the IES (henceforth Doctoral Council).

The studies have been accredited in the Czech educational system under code 6201V, valid from 1. 1. 1991 until 1. 8. 2015.

Doctoral program in economics at the IES addresses talented students, who have successfully completed a master's degree at any university in the Czech Republic or abroad and who have demonstrated credible interest and focus on research in the above-defined range of economic fields. A prerequisite for admission to the doctoral programme is the perfect knowledge of English and an advanced knowledge of the quantitative analysis.

The primary focus of doctoral program at the IES is the active participation of doctoral students in research from the first year of study. IES creates conditions for involving students in the grant project and supports their participation in domestic and foreign grants. The aim of the doctoral program at the IES is not to maximize the number of students, but to maximize the number of high-quality dissertations with original research outputs.

The basic form of the development of educational and research program is the involvement of each student from the first semester in one of the doctoral research seminars at IES. Postgraduate research seminars have the status of an optional (specialist) course. Students are required to actively participate in selected research seminars in which students and other scholars present and jointly discuss results of their work. Students’ evaluation is, first and foremost, based on published works and the success in grant competitions, for instance the Grant Agency of Charles University. It is further required that Ph.D. candidates attend dissertation defenses of other Ph.D. students. All students are further offered the possibility to be involved in pedagogical activities at the Institute by serving as teaching assistants for bachelor’s and master’s seminars which accompany lectures taught at IES. Advisors for the Ph.D. program are typically senior members of the faculty, but may also be external academics who are highly experienced in their field.

Doctoral degree programs are taken in the form of regular full-time and combined (part-time) studies. The maximum period of doctoral studies is eight years, however, the standard period of studies is four years.

The chairman of Doctoral Council is prof. RNDr. Jan Ámos Víšek, CSc.

Internal members of Doctoral Council are: doc. Ing. Tomáš Cahlík, CSc., PhDr. Martin Gregor PhD., prof. RNDr. Jiří Hlaváček, CSc., prof. Ing. Karel Janda, PhD., prof. Ing. Michal Mejstřík, CSc., CSc., prof. RNDr. Ing. František Turnovec, CSc.

External members of Doctoral Council are: RNDr. Martin Černý, CSc., Ing. Karel Sladký, CSc., doc. RNDr. Jiří Witzany, Ph.D, prof. Ing. Milan Žák, CSc.

Regular doctoral seminars J#0160


Course title

Course leader


Hours per week

Course assessment

ECTS credit points


ExternĂ­ odkaz Winter Semester 2012/13 Alternative Approaches to Economic Modeling

ExternĂ­ odkaz Cahlík ExternĂ­ odkaz Hlaváček



Course credit



ExternĂ­ odkaz Summer Semester 2012/2013 Alternative Approaches to Economic Modeling

ExternĂ­ odkaz Cahlík ExternĂ­ odkaz Hlaváček



Course credit



ExternĂ­ odkaz Winter Semester 2012/2013 Economics and Law in Banking and Finance

ExternĂ­ odkaz Janda ExternĂ­ odkaz Mejstřík ExternĂ­ odkaz Vacek



Course credit



ExternĂ­ odkaz Summer Semester 2012/2013 Economics and Law in Banking and Finance

ExternĂ­ odkaz Janda



Course credit



ExternĂ­ odkaz Winter Semester 2012/2013 Economic Theory of Political Markets

ExternĂ­ odkaz Turnovec



Course credit



ExternĂ­ odkaz Summer Semester 2012/2013 Economic Theory of Political Markets

ExternĂ­ odkaz Turnovec



Course credit



ExternĂ­ odkaz Winter Semester 2012/2013 Nonlinear Dynamic Economic Systems: Theory and Applications

ExternĂ­ odkaz Vošvrda



Course credit



ExternĂ­ odkaz Summer Semester 2012/2013 Nonlinear Dynamic Economic Systems: Theory and Applications

ExternĂ­ odkaz Vošvrda



Course credit


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14.březen 2025 00:36



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