Programme P0312D200013: Modern history (DP_MDA and DK_MDA)
The doctoral programme in Modern History with a standard study period of four years focuses on the modern history of regions, states and areas of Central, Eastern, Western Europe and North America and on the modern history of Czechoslovakia and the Czech lands. It examines the political development of these regions, states and areas, their economic, social and national problems, the development of the legal system and culture, and the relations of these regions and states with each other in their foreign policy and transnational dimensions. Modern history is understood as the period from the end of the 18th century onwards; however, in line with the focus of its undergraduate studies, the department emphasises the history of 20th century.
The programme is offered in both full-time and combined form. The study obligations of each student and the timetable for their fulfilment are mandatorily determined by an individual study plan. During the first six semesters of their studies, students complete the prescribed contact teaching and other academic obligations in the form of publishing, active participation in international conferences and a study internship abroad. By the end of eighth semester at the latest, students must pass the state doctoral examination. The studies are completed by the defence of the dissertation. In all matters concerning their studies, students should contact their supervisors, the designated IMS Secretariat staff member Mgr. Iveta Hönigerová and the study programme supervisor doc. PhDr. Ota Konrád, Ph.D.
Further details are set out in the
Rules for the Organisation of Doctoral Studies at the Institute of International Studies of the Charles University and other relevant
faculty regulations.
The field of study is intended for graduates of Master's degree programmes; the quality of the dissertation project submitted during the admission interview is decisive for admission to the study.
The programme supervisor and chairman of the board is Mail doc. PhDr. Ota Konrád, Ph.D.
Graduates of the Modern History programme, which is implemented in cooperation with the Institute for Contemporary History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, are theoretically, methodologically and linguistically highly equipped professionals who find employment in the academic sphere, as well as in the state administration, diplomacy, international organisations, EU institutions and bodies, or in the private sphere and in the media.
Studijní plán (J#0570)
Prerekvizity, korekvizity, záměnnosti a neslučitelnosti
Course title
Doctoral seminar II
State Doctoral Exam
JTD001 JTD019 JTD018 JTD017 JTD016 JTD015 JTD014 JTD002 JTD003 JTD004 JTD005 JTD006 JTD007 JTD008 JTD009 JTD011 JTD012 JTD013
Regular Consultations II
Regular Consultations IV
Regular Consultations V
Regular Consultations VI
Regular Consultations VII
Regular Consultations VIII
Regular Consultations IX