(NMgr) Programme: International Masters in Economy, State and Society (NP_IMESS) - spec. History and Society ****************************************************************************************** * Programme N0312A200010: International Masters in Economy, State and Society - spec. Hist ****************************************************************************************** Academic year 2022/2023 • International Masters in Economy, State and Society aka IMESS [ URL "http://www.imess.eu double-degree programme based on cooperation of the School of Slavonic and East European (University College of London) [ URL "https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ssees/"] , which is the main of the programme, and seven other universities: University of Belgrade [ URL "https://ww (Serbia),  Charles University [ URL "https://fsv.cuni.cz/en"] (Czech Republic),  Corvinu of Budapest [ URL "https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/index.php?id=eng"] (Hungary),  Helsinki U "https://www.helsinki.fi/en"] (Finland), Higher School of Economics [ URL "https://www.h (Russia),  Jagiellonian University [ URL "https://ces.uj.edu.pl/"] (Poland),  University "https://www.ut.ee/en"] (Estonia). • The programme, with the first year spent at the School of Slavonic and East European Stu College of London) and the second year at one of the seven mentioned universities, conce area of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and Eurasia. IMESS is divided into fou Economy & Business; Politics & International Economy with an emphasis on Economics or Po & Security; History & Society. Each specialism focuses on language training, research me selected and important issues of the area according to teaching and scholar orientation of the mentioned universities. Successful graduates will be given a double degree (UCL a university) and a diploma supplement issued by the IMESS consortium. Academic supervisor: doc. PhDr. Jiří Vykoukal, CSc. [ MAIL "jiri.vykoukal(zavinac)fsv.cuni

History & Society specialism: course structure CodeCourse title Course leaderSemester Hours Course ECTS credi per weekassessmenpoints JTM10M.A. Thesis Seminar I (IMESS) [ URL Vykoukal [ URLWS/SS 0/2 Course 15 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// credit do=predmet&kod=JTM108&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00620"] JTM10M.A. Thesis Seminar II (IMESS) [ URLVykoukal [ URLWS/SS 0/2 Course 15 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// credit index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM109&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00620"] Total number of ECTS: 30 ECTS *========================================================================================= * Prerequisites, corequisites, alternative and incompatible courses *========================================================================================= CodeCourse title Pre- Co-InterchaIncompatibility requisirequisite JTM10M.A. Thesis Seminar II (IMESS) JTM108 ****************************************************************************************** * History & Society - research methods module J#0592 ****************************************************************************************** Kód Název předmětu Garant předměSemestr Rozsah KontrolaKredity výuky studia JTM11Qualitative methods [ URL "https:// Gordy [ URL LS 1/1 Zk 6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM112&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16355"] JTM11Understanding and Analysing Data [ URNoble [ URL ZS 0/2 Zk 6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM113&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=77658"] JTM11Historical Methods and Approaches: SBracewell [ URLLS 2/2 Zk 12 of Central and Eastern Europe [ URL "h"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM119&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=41539"] JTM35Introduction to Discourse Analysis [ UD.M.Abrams ZS 1/1 Zk 6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmet[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM357&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=77649"] JTM36Political Sociology [ URL "https:// ciuta [ URL LS 1/1 Zk 6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM362&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16363"] Maximum: 12 ECTS *========================================================================================= * Prerequisites, corequisites, alternative and incompatible courses *========================================================================================= CodeCourse title Pre- Co-InterchaIncompatibility requisirequisite JTM35Introduction to Discourse Analysis JMM171 ****************************************************************************************** * History & Society - language module J#0564 ****************************************************************************************** CodeCourse title Course leaderSemester Hours Course ECTS credi per weekassessmenpoints JLB10Czech as a Foreign Language I [ URL "hFrantesová WS/SS 0/4 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.p[ URL "https:// do=predmet&kod=JLB100&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=52592"] Mazúrková [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=33254"] Pellarová [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=22411"] JLB10Czech as a Foreign Language II [ URL Frantesová WS/SS 0/4 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmet[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JLB101&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=52592"] Mazúrková [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=33254"] Pellarová [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=22411"] JLB10Czech as a Foreign Language III [ URL Frantesová WS/SS 0/4 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmet[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JLB102&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=52592"] Mazúrková [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=33254"] Pellarová [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=22411"] JLB10Czech as a Foreign Language IV [ URL Frantesová WS/SS 0/4 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmet[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JLB103&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=52592"] Mazúrková [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=33254"] Pellarová [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=22411"] JTB15Russian Language I [ URL "https:// Shvedova [ URL WS 0/3 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTB158&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=50029"] JTB15Russian Language II [ URL "https:// Shvedova [ URL SS 0/3 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTB159&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=50029"] JTB16Russian Language III [ URL "https://Shvedova [ URL WS 0/3 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTB160&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=50029"] JTB16Russian Language IV [ URL "https:// Shvedova [ URL SS 0/3 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTB161&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=50029"] JTM09Language Course [ URL "https:// Wiseman [ URL SS 0/2 Examination12 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM090&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=77648"] JTM41International Masters: Foundation in RPonomareva WS 2/2 Examination12 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/p[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM415&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=77644"] JTM53MA Low Intermediate: Russian [ URL "htPonomareva WS 0/4 Examination12 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.p[ URL "https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM537&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=77644"] 12 - 24 ECTS Language options: 1. Students take all three Czech (JTM090 and JLB100 & JLB101 or JLB102 & JLB103) or Russia modules (JTM090 and JLB158 & JLB159 or JLB160 & JLB161) worth 24 ECTS. 2. Students take just 1st year language module (JTM090) worth 12 ECTS at SSEES and during Charles University they take two more electives worth 12 ECTS instead of the 2nd year two 3. If students do not take language module during their 1st year at UCL, then have to take Language modules (JLB100 & JLB101 or JLB102 & JLB103) worth 12 ECTS or Russian Language mo JTB159 or JTB160 & JTB161) worth 12 ECTS; during their 1st year they take electives from t modules worth 12 ECTS. 4. Other than Czech or Russian language modules must be approved by tutors from SSEES and University. *========================================================================================= * Prerequisites, corequisites, alternative and incompatible courses *========================================================================================= CodeCourse title Pre- Co-InterchaIncompatibility requisirequisite JTB15Russian Language II JTB158 JTB16Russian Language III JTB159 JTB16Russian Language IV JTB160 ****************************************************************************************** * History & Society specialism - electives J#0593 ****************************************************************************************** CodeCourse title Course leaderSemester Hours Course ECTS credi per weekassessmenpoints JKM25Analysing Discourse: Theories and MeDa?delen [ URL SS 1/1 Course 6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// credit index.php?do=predmet&kod=JKM255&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=87162"] JTM01Society and Culture in Central EurasiHorák [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM017&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00470"] Brisku [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=35929"] JTM05Introduction to History, Politics anVykoukal [ URL WS 2/0 Examination6 of East-Central and South Eastern Euro"https:// [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/preis.cuni.cz/ index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM051&skrstudium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00620"] JTM05Concepts and Interpretations of CentVykoukal [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 European History [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM052&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00620"] JTM05Concepts and Interpretations of Králová [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 Balkan History [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM053&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00276"] JTM05Introduction to History, Politics and Kolenovská WS 1/1 Examination6 of Russia and Eastern Europe [ URL [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM055&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00252"] JTM05Concepts and Interpretations of Kolenovská SS 1/1 Examination6 Russian History [ URL "https:// [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM056&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00252"] JTM05Nationalism and Historiography in Horák [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 Central Eurasia [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM057&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00470"] JTM11Comparative Analysis in Social and Hanley [ URL SS 2/2 Examination6 Political Research [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM116&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16362"] JTM12Contemporary Cultural Studies: betweeMilutinovic SS 2/2 Examination12 communism and post-modernism [ URL [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM120&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=19383"] JTM20IMESS Internship [ URL "https:// Vykoukal [ URLWS/SS 0/4 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM205&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00620"] JTM24Cold War in Documents 1945-1962 [ URSmetana [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM244&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00494"] JTM24Cold War in Documents 1963-1991 [ URSmetana [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM245&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00494"] JTM26Central European Cinema [ URL "https:/Dan Mircea WS 0/4 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.p[ URL "https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM265&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=22992"] JTM26Cultural Legacies and Developments inAsavei [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 Balkans: Modern and Traditional Entang"https:// [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/preis.cuni.cz/ index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM266&skrstudium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=47749"] JTM26Economy and Politics in the 20th Svoboda [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 Century Eastern Europe [ URL "https://"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM267&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00251"] JTM26Ethnic Conflicts in Central and Klípa [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 Eastern Europe [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM268&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=25901"] JTM26Ethno-Political Conflicts in the CaucBrisku [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM269&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=35929"] JTM27History and Present in South East Dan Mircea SS 0/4 Examination6 European Cinema [ URL "https:// [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM270&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=22992"] JTM27Images and Stereotypes of the BalkansŠístek [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM273&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=59311"] JTM31Social Exclusion and the Roma in Klípa [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 Central Europe [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM315&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=25901"] JTM31Russian-Turkish Rivalry over the BalkBrisku [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 and Caucasus Areas [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM317&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=35929"] JTM32Ethnic Issues and Territories in EasVykoukal [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 East Central and Southeastern Europe ["https:// "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/is.cuni.cz/ index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM321&skrstudium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00620"] JTM33Cultural History of Communist Europe Klípa [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM331&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=25901"] JTM33Central Europe: Ideologies and PolitRobbins [ URL WS 2/2 Examination6 (1700's - present) [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM335&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=46847"] Janíčková [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=46846"] JTM33Theorizing Memory: Social and Asavei [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 Cultural Remembering [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM336&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=47749"] JTM33Balkan Nationalism and Ethnic ConflictŽíla [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM339&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=48968"] JTM34Baltic Politics and Society [ URL "httSikk [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM341&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16354"] JTM35Interdisciplinary Area Studies [ URL Mole [ URL WS 0/2 Course 6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// credit index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM355&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16336"] JTM35Introduction to Discourse Analysis [ UD.M.Abrams WS 1/1 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmet[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM357&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=77649"] JTM35Languages in Contact along the DanubVykoukal [ URL WS 2/2 Examination12 Intercultural Frictions and Flows [ UR"https:// "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/is.cuni.cz/ index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM358&skrstudium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00620"] JTM36Metropolis: History of Berlin [ URL Klautke [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JTM360&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=41662"] JTM36Migration in the European Union [ URLWhite [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM361&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=52442"] JTM37The Crisis Zone: Central Europe, 1900Lorman [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM374&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=91929"] JTM37Understanding "Transitional Justice":Gordy [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 Punishment and Process [ URL "https://"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM378&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16355"] JTM38Cultural Memory and Identity in the BAsavei [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM384&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=47749"] JTM49History, Memory, and Politics: CentralKalhousová SS 1/1 Examination6 Europe and Israel [ URL "https:// [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM497&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=72055"] JTM50Eurovision: Contemporary European HiVuletic [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 through Popular Culture [ URL "https:/"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM503&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=81898"] JTM50The City in Modern Central Europe [ Piskačová [ URLWS 1/1 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM505&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=81897"] JTM51Transnational Politics, Complicity,Roginer HofmeistWS 1/1 Examination6 Victims of the Holocaust [ URL "htt[ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM515&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=48985"] Králová [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00276"] JTM51World War II: Public History and MemKrálová [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM516&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00276"] Roginer Hofmeister [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=48985"] JTM51The Postcolonial Condition in Eastern Korablyova WS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/p[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM519&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=70966"] JTM52Geopolitics of the European Airspace Valdez Tůma SS 1/1 Examination6 and Space Exploration [ URL "https:[ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM525&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16854"] JTM55Soviet Culture as a Social PhenomenoSultanova [ URLWS 1/1 Examination6 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM553&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=83409"] Kocián [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=39871"] JTM55From Laika to Lycra: Science and Johnston [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 Technology in the Cold War [ URL "http"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM556&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=86533"] JTM62International and Regional Politics Snetkov [ URL WS 1/1 Examination6 of Eurasia [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/ "https:// studium/predmety/index.php? is.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM623&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=78743"] JTM62All Quiet on the Eastern Front: CultBeasley-Murray SS 1/1 Examination6 Politics and Everyday Life in Centr[ URL "https:// Eastern Europe from Stalin to Presentis.cuni.cz/ [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pstudium/predmety/ index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM624&skr=2index.php? do=ucit&kod=19514"] JTM63Human Rights in post-Soviet Space [ URDubrovskiy WS 1/1 Examination6 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmet[ URL "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JTM634&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=90950"] Kolenovská [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00252"] JTM65The Twentieth Century in European MeKrálová [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 Themes and Approaches in Contemporary "https:// European Memory Studies [ URL "https:is.cuni.cz/ is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.pstudium/predmety/ do=predmet&kod=JTM650&skr=2024"] index.php? do=ucit&kod=00276"] Smith [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=78814"] JTM67Postcommunist transition in East Klípa [ URL SS 1/1 Examination6 Central Europe [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JTM670&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=25901"] Total number of ECTS: 54 - 66 Optional courses: during the first year maximum of 6 ECTS can be taken from the IMESS Opti subject to the approval of the programme tutor and timetabling capacities, during the seco of 6 ECTS can be taken from the optional courses at the FSV UK, subject to the approval of tutor and timetabling capacities. *========================================================================================= * Prerequisites, corequisites, alternative and incompatible courses *========================================================================================= CodeCourse title Pre- Co-InterchaIncompatibility requisirequisite JTM01Society and Culture in Central Eurasia JMMZ178 JTM05Introduction to History, Politics and Society JMMZ094 of East-Central and South Eastern Europe JTM05Nationalism and Historiography in Central JMM702 Eurasia JTM20IMESS Internship JMMZ257 JTM24Cold War in Documents 1945-1962 JMM384 JTM26Cultural Legacies and Developments in the JMB057 Balkans: Modern and Traditional Entanglements JTM26Economy and Politics in the 20th Century JMM143 Eastern Europe JTM26Ethno-Political Conflicts in the Caucasus JMM130 JTM27Images and Stereotypes of the Balkans JMM034 JTM35Introduction to Discourse Analysis JMM171 JTM37Understanding "Transitional Justice": Crime, JMM172 Punishment and Process Study plan code: J22NPIMESSHS421