(NMgr) Programme 6703T021: Sociology in European Context (SEC) ****************************************************************************************** * Master´s Programme 6703T021: Sociology in European Context ****************************************************************************************** Academic year: 2019/2020 The study programme Sociology in European Context is designed for international students i present-day sociological knowledge covering both theories and research methods. The curric major social processes taking place in the contemporary European countries and offers oppo students to develop their skills of carrying out the sociological research of these proces data collection, analysis and interpretation. The lectures and seminars examine processes and phenomena of international migration, nati and social inequalities in terms of societal integration and the main threats of the civil building in Central Europe. Further, students explore a role of elites in the societies un transformation and on the civil society building in Central Europe. There are additional l seminars on social anthropology and carrying out applied research (electoral, marketing et also paid to the learning a reflexive thinking of the scientific practise. The advantage of the curriculum is that provides students with a useful combination of the practical knowledge of modern European societies and methods of their research that gives foundation either for fruitful career in public sector, non-profit organisations or privat also for subsequent doctoral study in social sciences. Academic Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Zdeněk Uherek, CSc. zdenek.uherek(zavinac)fsv.cuni.cz [ MAIL "zdenek.uherek(zavinac)fsv.cuni.cz"] Secretary: Mgr.Martin Tremčinský martin.tremcinsky(zavinac)fsv.cuni.cz [ MAIL "martin.tremcinsky(zavi Language of Instruction: English Course Structure and Study Requirements: Total Credits: 120 ECTS Compulsory Courses: 71 ECTS Elective Courses: minimum 37 ECTS Optional Courses maximum 12 ECTS Final exam: 1. (JSZ617) Sociology 2. (JSZ618) Methodology 3. (JDIP01) Defence of Master Thesis Compulsory Courses: J#020019 CodeCourse title Course leaderSemester Hours Course ECTS credi per weekassessmenpoints JSM03Sociology of European Integration forSmith [ URL SS 2/0 Examination8 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM037&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=71007"] JSM06Borders and International Migration [Grygar [ URL SS 2/0 Examination8 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM062&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00694"] JSM40Introduction to Data Analysis [ URL "Soukup [ URL WS/SS 1/1 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM406&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00255"] Petrúšek [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=32854"] JSM42Contemporary Social Theory [ URL "httBalon [ URL WS 2/0 Examination9 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM421&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00671"] JSM69Introduction to Social Research MethJeřábek [ URL WS 2/2 Examination9 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM692&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00672"] Remr [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00675"] JSM69Text, Narrative & Discourse Analysis Hájek [ URL SS 1/1 Examination9 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM693&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00678"] JSM69Diploma Seminar I [ URL "https:// Uherek [ URL SS 0/2 Course 10 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// credit do=predmet&kod=JSM697&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=27567"] JSM69Diploma Seminar II [ URL "https:// Uherek [ URL WS/SS 0/2 Course 10 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// credit do=predmet&kod=JSM698&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=27567"] Prerequisites, corequisites, alternative and incompatible courses CodeCourse title Pre- Co-InterchaIncompatibility requisirequisite JSM03Sociology of European Integration for MA JSB456 JSM019 JSM06Borders and International Migration JSM061 JSM134 JSM69Introduction to Social Research Methodology JSB015 JSB529 JSM540 JSM69Diploma Seminar II JSM697 Elective Courses: J#020119 CodeCourse title Course leaderSemester Hours Course ECTS credi per weekassessmenpoints JPM92Sociology of Technology [ URL "https:Vostal [ URL WS/SS 1/1 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JPM926&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=69102"] JSM00Sociology of Sport for MA [ URL "httNumerato [ URL SS 1/1 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM009&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=39283"] JSM01Advanced Statistics [ URL "https:// Soukup [ URL SS 1/1 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM010&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00255"] JSM01Sociology of Science and Scientific Maršálek [ URL WS 0/2 Examination8 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM016&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=16410"] JSM02Urban Anthropology [ URL "https:// Uherek [ URL WS 2/0 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM027&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=27567"] JSM03Applied Social Research [ URL "https:/Remr [ URL WS/SS 2/1 Examination7 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM032&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00675"] JSM03Economic Sociology and European Blokker [ URL WS 2/0 Examination8 Capitalism for MA [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM039&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=47007"] JSM09Study of Political Mobilization and Císař [ URL WS 2/0 Examination6 Social Movements [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM095&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=40639"] JSM10Academic Writing [ URL "https:// Miller [ URL WS 0/2 macc 6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM103&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=69736"] JSM20Regulating the world of work: PolicieDrahokoupil SS 2/0 Examination8 institutions, and outcomes [ URL "h[ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM201&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=80911"] Grygar [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00694"] JSM20Data Management and Data Mining in R Klosek [ URL WS 0/2 Examination6 for Social Scientists [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM202&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=59076"] JSM30Elites in Society [ URL "https:// Frič [ URL WS 1/1 Examination9 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM301&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00683"] JSM31Communications Research [ URL "httpsJeřábek [ URL SS 2/1 Examination9 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM311&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00672"] Numerato [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=39283"] JSM31Electoral, Market, Media and Social Jeřábek [ URL WS 2/1 Examination9 Paul Lazarsfeld's Methodology [ URL "h"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM312&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00672"] JSM43Nations and Nationalism [ URL "https:Uherek [ URL SS 2/0 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM430&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=27567"] JSM43Civil Society in Central Europe [ URL Frič [ URL SS 2/0 Examination8 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM437&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00683"] JSM47Sociology of Critique [ URL "https://Smith [ URL WS 2/0 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM477&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=71007"] JSM48Evaluation Research [ URL "https:// Remr [ URL WS 2/0 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM480&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00675"] JSM52Gender, Men and Masculinities [ URL "hÜçok [ URL SS 2/0 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM520&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=84858"] JSM53Bitcoin and its Discontents: AnthropolTremčinský SS 2/0 Examination6 of the Digital Economy [ URL "https[ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM530&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=65235"] JSM57Social Web: (Big) Data Mining for MaRůžička [ URL WS 1/1 Examination8 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM575&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=38878"] JSM57Anthropology of the EU [ URL "https:/Uherek [ URL WS 2/0 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM578&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=27567"] JSM57Sociological Theories of Populism [ UDvořák [ URL WS 1/1 Examination8 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM579&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=19070"] JSM58Anthropology and Alterity [ URL "httŘezáčová [ URL SS 2/0 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM580&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00259"] Grygar [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00694"] JSM58Documentary photography and social rWladyniak [ URLSS 0/2 Course 4 [ URL "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/pred"https:// credit index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM581&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=54421"] JSM58Elderly care and intergenerational sJeřábek [ URL WS 1/1 Examination8 in international context [ URL "https:"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM584&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00672"] JSM60International comparison of health Háva [ URL SS 2/0 macc 8 care systems [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM603&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00686"] JSM62European policies and practice towaBernard ThompsonWS 1/1 Examination9 ethnic minorities [ URL "https:// Mikes [ URL is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM628&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=10165"] Prerequisites, corequisites, alternative and incompatible courses CodeCourse title Pre- Co-InterchaIncompatibility requisirequisite JSM00Sociology of Sport for MA JSB528 JSB516 JSM03Applied Social Research JSM540 JSM03Economic Sociology and European Capitalism JSB455 for MA JSM018 JSM20Data Management and Data Mining in R for JPM764 Social Scientists JSM58Documentary photography and social rJSB534h Recommended optional Courses (J#0202) CodeCourse title Course leaderSemester Hours Course ECTS credi per weekassessmenpoints JPM23Central European Politics [ URL "httKrausz Hladká SS 1/1 Examination6 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.p[ URL "https:// do=predmet&kod=JPM239&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00657"] JPM55History, Politics and Culture of Kubátová [ URL SS 1/1 Examination7 Central European Jewry [ URL "https://"https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JPM550&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00334"] JSM03Advanced Data Analysis in MPlus [ URLSoukup [ URL SS 2/1 Examination7 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM034&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00255"] JSM51Public Policy [ URL "https:// Potůček [ URL WS 2/1 Examination9 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM518&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00707"] JSM56Medical Anthropology: Illness, Hrešanová [ URLWS 2/0 Examination7 Medicine and the Body [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM562&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=55495"] JSM56Anthropology of Food and Eating [ URTrlicová [ URL WS 2/0 Examination7 "https://is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/ "https:// index.php?do=predmet&kod=JSM563&skr=2is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=45040"] JSM60Health Policy [ URL "https:// Kotherová [ URLSS 1/1 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM602&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=64458"] JSM60Health Economics [ URL "https:// Háva [ URL SS 2/1 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM604&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00686"] JSM65Policy Process, Political Parties Novotný [ URL WS 1/1 Examination8 and the Welfare [ URL "https:// "https:// is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.phpis.cuni.cz/ do=predmet&kod=JSM657&skr=2024"] studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=01812"] JSM69Policy Analysis [ URL "https:// Nekola [ URL WS 2/1 Examination9 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.php?"https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM691&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=00265"] JSM72Social Policy [ URL "https:// Angelovská SS 0/2 Examination8 is.cuni.cz/studium/predmety/index.p[ URL "https:// do=predmet&kod=JSM727&skr=2024"] is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=29606"] Jusić [ URL "https:// is.cuni.cz/ studium/predmety/ index.php? do=ucit&kod=69403"] Prerequisites, corequisites, alternative and incompatible courses CodeCourse title Pre- Co-InterchaIncompatibility requisirequisite JSM51Public Policy JSM588 JSM699 JSM69Policy Analysis JSM726 JSM72Social Policy JSM519 Kód plánu: J19SEC1113